Tinnitus – a widespread disease. Finally, successful self-treatment through soft-laser therapy

Clinical studies and patients“ statements and experience clearly attest that self-treatment with Swiss softlaser technology (www.EarNoiseEliminator.ch) is very effective

Tinnitus - a widespread disease. Finally, successful self-treatment through soft-laser therapy
So the EarNoiseEliminator is worn in therapy against tinnitus

Roughly eleven million Germans hear an unpleasant whistling or whirring noise in their ears, known as tinnitus. Doctors often react helplessly to their patients“ complaints, suggesting that they need to live with it as there“s no known cure for it. Sufferers often lose their zest for life and any hope for improvement. For some years, however, a successful soft-laser therapy has been available, using the EarNoiseEliminator, which produces lasting relief from tinnitus.

Clinical studies and patients“ statements and experience clearly attest that self-treatment with Swiss softlaser technology (www.EarNoiseEliminator.ch) is very effective and that the noise in the ear eases after a short period of time, and in many cases, becomes silent.

Affected people can easily treat themselves. The 30-minute application of soft-laser therapy is carried out at home with no special knowledge required. The method is easy and budget-friendly as well as pain-free and safe. The method is based on the fact that highly concentrated laser light stimulates the burning of sugar and improves the supply of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), a substance essential to human body cells. The patient simply wears the laser on his or her head, which allows the laser to permeate the subcutaneous tissue, thus directly affecting the metabolism in the ear as a healing bio-stimulation. In the event of chronic tinnitus, a more intense application of the EarNoiseEliminator is recommended. There, the laser is directly applied to the internal ear, at the source.

The soft-laser therapy leads to a speedy regeneration of auditory sensory cells, to the stimulation of the immune system, to the acceleration of cell division and to the activation of certain defense molecules.

The operative principle is portrayed in this illustration: http://www.earnoiseeliminator.ch/index.php?lang=de&inc=19
More than 30,000 patients have been successfully treated with this patented Swiss soft-laser technology. Long-term tests in hospitals and doctors“ offices as well as various medical studies scientifically verify the safety and effectiveness of the EarLaser. Grateful and happy patients relieved of the noise in their ears describe their experiences at www.EarNoiseEliminator.ch. The dream of all afflicted persons has come true – at last, tinnitus has been eliminated.


Riedstrasse 6
CH-8953 Dietikon

Tel: +41 (0) 447 422 600
Fax: +41 (0) 447 422 601


tinnitus video – myvideo


About us

The company ddrum was founded in 1985 with the function of a general importer for brands like: ddrum, Ludwig, Nordlead, Nord Modular, Master Audio, Motion Sound und Visu Lite. In the following years became the developments of brands with their worldwide distribution rights more and more value. One of these brands is the EarNoiseEliminator. This medical laser is a great help and successful treatment against Tinntius. The extraordinary thing is that this equipment can be applied from any person without knowledge. Under medical supervision and costsharing of health insurance companies did we made our firt successful laser therapy in 1994. All the other developments and studies make it possible now, that we can offer this help by the laser therapy against tinnitus for a successful treatment at home.
The vast experience as a ddrum distributor in Switzerland helps us in 2009 to solve the task – as we are now distributing the brand new drumit 5 from the company 2Box in Sweden.


Die Firma DDRUM wurde 1985 mit der Funktion eines Generalimporteurs für Marken wie ddrum, Ludwig, Nordlead, Nord Modular, Master Audio, Motion Sound und Visu Lite gegründet. In den folgenden Jahren wurde immer mehr Wert auf eigene Entwicklungen und Marken mit weltweiten Vertriebsrechten gelegt. Eine dieser Marken ist EarNoiseEliminator, der medizinische Laser zur erfolgreichen Behandlungen gegen Tinntius. Das Aussergewöhnliche daran ist, dass dieses Gerät von jeder Person auch ohne Fachwissen angewendet werden kann. Die 1994 unter ärztlicher Aufsicht gemachte erfolgreiche Laser Therapie und viele andere Entwicklungen und Studien haben dazu geführt, das wir heute diese Hilfe mit der Lasertherapie gegen Tinnitus für eine erfolgreiche Behandlung zuhause anbieten können. Die grosse Erfahrung als ddrum Vertrieb Schweiz kommt uns heute im Jahr 2009 sehr zu gute, da wir das drumit 5 aus dem Hause 2Box in Schweden als neuste Entwicklung im E-drum Bereich anbieten können.

daniel portner
Riedstrasse 6 – Postfach
8953 Dietikon
0041 44 742 26 00